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TASTEMAKER: Marry Us Sally
Sally Shipard is a storyteller, a lover of love, an excellent human being and a kickass celebrant who crafts personal, one-of-a-kind ceremonies.
Words by Karina Lowndes
17 May 2017

Everyone has been to a wedding where the ceremony felt stale, overly scripted and, if we’re really honest, a bit boring. So when we cross paths with celebrants like Sally of Marry Us Sally, we’re very eager for them to join the family stat.

Ceremonies (if they’re done well) are one of the best parts of any wedding, and for that to happen, picking a celebrant who you connect with is key. Here we take five with Sally – a lovely lady and one of 10 superstars advocating for marriage equality – to get the down-low on what it all means to her.

How did you get into your line of work?

I’d been to a handful of wholesome weddings… specifically my brother’s in the Blue Mountains, that really inspired me. The celebrant was around the age of my folks, and she just left you breathless. At no point throughout the ceremony was it about her. I liked her ability to keep all the attention on Sam and Alera.

Also, I love, love stories. How people meet, what they experience together, how they remain together, why they’d like to tie the knot etc. It’s a joyful glimpse into the lives of others. It really does fill me up.

What sets your business apart?

I think all celebrants have something beautifully unique to offer, and that is… themselves.

What do love most about your job?

The part of the process (usually the first coffee date) where I ask about their love story. They each light up, sit a little straighter and for the next little while they to and fro about the details and fall in love a teeny bit more…

How would others describe you?

Open. Authentic. Curious. Dreamer.

What services do you offer and how much flexibility do couples have to create their own unique day?

All ceremonies can be manipulated, all bar legalities (mandatory stuff). All paper work is taken care of by me and contact right up until the ceremony itself is unlimited. I also have my own PA system, which is probably the most expensive thing I own. :-/

Describe the kind of couples you attract.

Young and old. Hipsters of the inner west (Sydney) to city slickers of Melbourne. Coastal lovers and rural couples. I travel.

What’s your favourite wedding trend?


What are two questions couples generally want to ask you?

Are you available? How much? Sounds boring, but that would be the top two.

What’s the process for couples keen to enquire and/or book with you?

Reach out via this email and we arrange for a coffee/vino date. Happy to share information and answer any questions regardless if I am the right fit.

Advice to newly engaged couples?

Enjoy the process, all the colours. Celebrants exist to alleviate the stress and simplify the process.

What’s your favourite thing you’ve seen a couple do at a wedding?

Ask that during the ceremony no phones are allowed. It ruins that precious moment of the bride wandering down the aisle.

sydney wedding celebrant

You can find Marry Us Sally via the following places: 

Marry Us Sally | Facebook | Instagram

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